Hitland Christian Ministries


by: Doug Perry -Kansas City businessman

Forgive Us, God!! Big Government. Big Business. Big Oil. Big Tobacco. BIG CHURCH. The Church has become part of the problem. We're not living like Christ. Of course they think we're hypocrites - because we ARE! Forgive us, God.

"Scarey Stats"

We fully expect you to stomp away mad, but you might want to consider that our only effort here is to point out facts about how big the problem has gotten

This is a compilation of the scariest, most embarassing, most shocking statistics and information about the Church and it's affairs. Somebody is going to have to stand before Jesus one day and explain their role in this.

We don't want it to be us - or you.

We don't quote anything haphazzardly without having good documentation and sources.


Assets of the Church:

Financial Fraud in the Church:

Wasteful Spending by the Church:

Missions and the Church:

Denominations of the Church:

Growth of the Church:

Persecution of the Church:

Global Population Issues:

Unreached Peoples:


Had Enough Yet? It gets worse.
We're stuffing the Fattest and starving the Hungriest!

This is meant to be just a plain, direct reporting of how miserably, horribly, devastatingly badly we - the Christians in the West - have mismanaged the massive gifts which God has entrusted to us.

Visit his website- whathavewedone.org

(Sources: 1) An AD 2001 reality check: 50 new facts and figures about trends and issues concerning empirical global Christianity today. (from Table 1-1 in World Christian Trends, William Carey Library, David Barrett & Todd Johnson.)


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