Recommended Reading: Books

Velvet Elvis
Author: Rob Bell
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Book Description: God never changes, nor do the central truths of Christianity. But our understanding of those truths is in constant flux. Christians will always be exploring and discovering what it means to live in harmony with God and each other. Now in softcover, Velvet Elvis offers original and refreshingly personal perspectives on what Christianity is really about.
From the Back Cover
We have to test everything. I thank God for anybody anywhere who is pointing people to the mysteries of God. But those people would all tell you to think long and hard about what they are saying and doing and creating.
Test it. Probe it. Do that to this book.
Don’t swallow it uncritically. Think about it. Wrestle with it. Just because I’m a Christian and I’m trying to articulate a Christian worldview doesn’t mean I’ve got it nailed. I’m contributing to the discussion. God has spoken, and the rest is commentary, right?

The Mystery of Lawlessness
Author: Scott Holtz
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Book Description: This first volume in the new series entitled "The Mysteries of the Glory of God", looks at the recent phenomena of a mysterious plumb line that has descended throughout the ranks of God's army and is exposing the hidden endearments and motives of people's hearts that profess a Christian faith. Whether young or old, rich or poor, this mysterious plumb line has initiated a major falling away between those who are hot and those who are luewarm.
Is this the work of the devil? Could an all-consuming loving Father allow this to happen to His blood-bought children? Can something be done to stop the hemorrhaging of apostasy & backslidding so rampant in our materialistic age? Order now to find out the answers to these mysterious questions about the often overlooked "other side" of God's glory!

Rethinking the Wineskin
Author: Frank Viola
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Book Description: Frank Viola gives language for all you knew was wrong with the modern church. But even better, he shows how we can recover the pristine simplicity of the first-century church.
Packed to the gills with Scripture, Rethinking the Wineskin demonstrates beyond dispute that house churches that gather without a clergy have a Scriptural right to exist! It does so by a clear presentation of the New Testament and Viola's own experience in house church living.
Solidly Biblical, deeply spiritual, and intensely practical, Rethinking the Wineskin is a must read for all who have a passion to see first-century ways restored.

Who is Your Covering?
Author: Frank Viola
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Book Description: Tens of thousands of believers have been damaged by authoritarian leadership structures. Very often, these structures have been justified by an imprisoning teaching known as covering.
In this volume, Viola takes dead aim at this spurious teaching. In addition, he answers every conceivable question that is raised about how leadership, authority, and accountability functioned in the early church.
If you have been damaged by authoritarian leadership, you will find liberation and freedom in these pages!

Pagan Christianity
Author: Frank Viola
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Book Description: This volume makes an outrageous proposal: That most of what we Christians do in our churches has no root in the New Testament! It rather has its origin in pagan culture long after the death of the apostles. As shocking as that sounds, Viola proves his point by documenting every claim he makes. Fully footnoted, Pagan Christianity is the first book ever penned that documents the entire story of our modern church practices.
This book is for those who are ready to embark on an eye-opening venture that challenges every aspect of their church experience as well as offering a better alternative.