Hitland Christian Ministries

Priorities & Values

The following are six priorities that God has given us based on the value of personal relationship, with Him and others.

  • Worship: We give God our praise and adoration, expecting His presence to rest on us. (Acts 4:31; 16:25-26).
  • Fellowship: We aim to develop genuine kingdom relationships.
  • The Word of God: We believe God has given us His Word that must be consistently and accurately taught, and to which we must respond. We also affirm the living element of God’s Word that specifies what He is saying to the Church today, a current prophetic word, empowering and encouraging us toward an intimate relationship with God. (Revelation 3:22).
  • Evangelism & Ministry: All believers are called by God to do His ministry.  Therefore, we release His ministry through those equipped, in order that we may care for and win people to Jesus.
  • Training: Because believers are called to do the ministry of God, we provide a format in which information can be received and applied to "hands-on" ministry.
  • Prayer: Bible-based and Spirit-led praying releases God’s kingdom on earth and blessing in our lives.  Loving our Heavenly Father by talking to Him and listening to Him encapsulate our highest privilege with Him.

Our Values:
Our values can be stated in two words, KNOWING GOD. We are committed to growth in intimacy with God and reaching the lost with the message of the good news.  

  • We value the PURSUIT OF GOD.  We thirst to know God’s presence, to hear His voice, and follow after Him. (Psalm 63:1-3).
  • We value CHRIST-LIKENESS. We desire, through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ love, mercy, grace, truth, purity, power and integrity, as we walk with Him through this life (Ephesians 5:2).   Christ-likeness cannot be equated to imitating Jesus in our own strength.  We believe that Christ-likeness is only achieved by Christ in us and through us.   We desire to yield to a living Person whose power is in us (Galatians 2:20).
  • We value being SPIRIT-LED. We honor Jesus as our Head and the Holy Spirit as our Counselor.   We seek to attune our spiritual senses to the Holy Spirit. We believe He desires to direct us in everyday life as well as in spiritual ministry (Romans 8:14).
  • We value PRAYER. We believe prayer is essential since it is basic to communing with God.   Prayer is our primary way of knowing how to accomplish His purposes on earth.
  • We value DISCIPLESHIP. We, ourselves,  aim first to grow as disciples of Jesus and then to help others through teaching and example to be disciples of His (Matthew 28:18-20).
  • We value the KINGDOM OF GOD.  We seek to advance the presence of God’s Kingdom in the world.   The Holy Spirit desires to work through the Church, as He has individually gifted each believer, revealing the presence of God through various signs and wonders (I Corinthians 12:4-11; Acts 4:30).
  • We value the MERCY OF GOD.  We believe God’s mercy is fundamental to all that He does in salvation.  We, therefore, aim to extend mercy to one another and all to whom we minister (Colossians 3:12-13).
  • We value INTEGRITY.  It is important for us to deal with each other honestly, live uprightly, and to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).
  • We value SERVANT LEADERSHIP.  We believe Christ has put significant leadership authority in the hands of the pastor and his associates.  We aim to exercise that authority with humility, selflessness, grace, and care for the sheep, with sincere desire to build up the Body of Christ (Mark 10:42-44; Ephesians 4:11-16).
  • We value REALITY.  We aim to walk in the Spirit and see God’s supernatural intervention in our lives.  We aim also to function in the "natural realm", dependent upon God’s leading and wisdom in pursuit of excellent, rational thinking (James 1:5).

© 2005-2023 Hitland Ministries